NCS Renaissance Fair!

May 7, 2009 at 6:55 PM (Adornments News) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

A while back we were invited to participate in a Ren. Fair at the Nashville Christian School, held in conjunction with their school play, “Much Ado About Nothing.” This is the first year that the school put together such a to-do, and it sounds like it’s likely to become a yearly event. We were eager to join- mostly because we heard there would be turkey legs!!

And there were..

Mmm... Turkey leg! Who wouldn't go to a Ren Fair for that!!

Mmm... Turkey leg! Who wouldn't go to a Ren Fair for that!!

Take a look at our amazing sign! 🙂 That’s right, we’re wearing costumes! Well…pseudo-costumes (they had wrist watches back then, right?)…

Adornments Sign! yes, we used blue tape to hang it..

Adornments Sign! yes, we used blue tape to hang it..

We were asked to have a semi-working booth so that it would be somewhat educational as well. So Lucinda brought her loom and demonstrated weaving (of course…Laura and I were the mules for this venture…)

Lucinda weaving!

Lucinda weaving!

While Laura was hard at work on some new jewelry!

Look at all that bling!

Look at all that bling!

Of course, the biggest problem of the day was the weather… It was rather windy which caused all of our pretties to keep being blown over. So I spent my time (when not eating funnel cakes and roasted corn!) putting every thing back upright.

It's perfect!

It's perfect!

At least, until the rain called an end to the day. In all though, many funnel cakes were had and oohs and aahs abounded! Thanks to NCS for having us!!

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